This year has been unlike any year that most people have ever experienced. A deadly pandemic raging around the world, lockdowns and restrictions on many activities for a few months leading to one of the worst recessions many have seen in their lifetimes and an environment of fear and uncertainty. At the same time, the stock market has recovered from its March crash and is now trading at all time high. Those of you, who invested April and May, will be sitting on pretty gains now. However, those who want to invest now are confronted with the three basic questions:-
Past data shows market cap segment winners tend to rotate regularly between large, mid and small caps (please see the table below). With market at all time high and recent under performance of small / midcap versus large cap, it seems that small and midcaps are likely to outperform large cap in the near term future. However, it is difficult to predict how long the trend will last. Therefore, staying invested across market caps may help generate potentially better returns over the long run. Multicap funds have traditionally been very popular with mutual fund investors. As on October 2020, funds in the multicap category had the second highest aggregate AUM among all equity fund categories with 18.8% share of equity fund AUM.
Source: Nippon India Mutual Fund. Disclaimer: Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.
This is the most difficult question, since relative performance of funds can fluctuate over the years. For example, four funds from four different quartiles (first to fourth) had different quartile ranks in different years (see the table below). The return range is the difference between the best performing fund and the worst performing fund. You can see the difference in the annual returns between different funds can be quite significant. The table shows that it is very hard predict which fund will outperform in the long term.
Source: Nippon India Mutual Fund. Disclaimer: Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.
As discussed earlier, it is difficult to capture market cap trend and stocks that may outperform the market in specific periods. Nippon India mutual fund has come up with an innovative, one of its kind investment product which aims to capture the industry and market wisdom, thereby eliminating fund manager biases towards market cap segment and stocks. The upcoming NFO, Nippon India Passive Flexicap Fund of Funds will follow a flexicap strategy by investing across all the three market cap segments (large cap, midcap and small cap) and will invest in the entire universe of stocks in Nifty 500.
Nippon India Passive Flexicap Fund of Funds in the following ETFs:-
The market cap allocation will be based on the mutual fund industry’s previous month multicap market segment allocation as provided by CRISIL. The rationale behind the market cap strategy is that the mutual fund industry tends to anticipate and capture market trend (see the table below) – capture the industry wisdom.
Source: Nippon India Mutual Fund. Disclaimer: Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.
There will be unsystematic risk since the scheme will invest in the market indices i.e. Nifty 100, Nifty Midcap 150 and Nifty Small Cap 250 – capture the market wisdom
The model has been back-tested for rolling returns over past 10 years. Results show that the model is able to generate alphas consistently. The rolling returns performance of the model has also been compared versus that of 5 popular funds in the multicap category, which account for 40% of industry AUM (see the table below). You can see that the average 3 year rolling returns of the model is at par with the best performing fund and at the same time volatility (standard deviation) is considerably lower than most funds. The percentage of negative instances is also the lowest. Back-testing shows that the model has been to produce superior risk adjusted returns with low volatility against the Top 5 multicap funds (no one gets it right consistently).
Source: Nippon India Mutual Fund. Disclaimer: Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.
Investors should consult with their financial advisors to see if this fund is suitable for their investment needs.
Mutual Fund Investments are subject to market risk, read all scheme related documents carefully.
Aug 29, 2019
Aug 26, 2019
Aug 24, 2019
Aug 19, 2019
Aug 18, 2019
Aug 16, 2019
Aug 4, 2019
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