Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) were introduced in India almost 22 years back by Franklin Templeton. Since then, SIPs has become the preferred way of investing in Mutual Funds. Currently in India, Investors are contributing almost Rs. 3,000 Crore monthly through SIP route and there are over One Crore active SIP accounts as at end April 2016. Also, Assets managed by the Indian mutual fund industry have grown from Rs. 11.93 trillion in April 2015 to Rs. 13.86 trillion in April 2016. That represents a 16% growth in assets over April 2015. Retail mutual fund investors have significantly contributed to this growth by investing through SIPs and currently their share is 46.30% (Data of April 2016 – Source to the total Mutual Fund industry assets.
Indian equity or Mutual Fund Investors, over period of time have realised that timing the equity market is difficult and thus investing a small amount systematically makes sense in equity assets as that has given the best returns historically.
Our research shows that investing through SIP route has created immense wealth for the investors in the long run and that is the topic we will cover today. But, first let us recap what are the key benefits of investing through SIPs.
In this article, we will look at how SIPs in Diversified Equity Mutual Funds have created long term wealth for the investors in the last 15 years. For our discussion, we have selected 7 Diversified Equity Funds that have given good returns in the last 15 years. However, this is, by no means, a comprehensive list of all the funds that gave good returns in the last 15 years. This is just an illustration to show how long investment term in SIPs, have created wealth for investors.
To see the comprehensive list, please click here Top Performing Systematic Investment Plans - Diversified Equity Funds
Each of the funds in our selection has given SIP returns ranging from 19 - 21% annualized. Since SIP investments are made over a period of time, the method of calculating SIP returns is different than that of Lump Sum investments. SIP returns are calculated by a methodology called XIRR, which is a variant of Internal Rate of Return (IRR). XIRR is similar to IRR, except XIRR can calculate returns on investments that are not necessarily strictly periodic
For our examples, we have assumed a monthly SIP of र 3000, made on the 1st working day of every month. Let us assume the SIP start date was 15 years back in June 2001, therefore, the investor would have invested Rs 5.40 Lakhs through 180 instalments of र 3,000 each. Now, let us see how much wealth the investors would have accumulated by investing in the selected funds in their respective Growth options.
Source: Advisorkhoj Top Performing Sip – Diversified Equity Funds (data as on 20/5/16)
ICICI Prudential Multicap Fund, a diversified equity fund launched in October 1994, has an AUM base of nearly र 1085 Crores. The chart below shows the SIP returns of the ICICI Prudential Multicap Fund, Growth option, over the last 15 years.
If you had started a monthly SIP of र 3000 in ICICI Prudential Multicap Fund in June 2001, by now you would have accumulated nearly र 25.68 Lakhs corpus, with an investment of only र 5.40 Lakhs.
You would have accumulated corpus of र 4.90 Lakhs by the end of 2005, a corpus of र 10.64 Lakhs by the end of 2009 despite the severe financial crisis of 2008, a corpus of र 15.91 Lakhs by the end of 2013 and finally र 25.68 Lacs at the end of the SIP tenure. Over the 15 year period the compounded annual returns on your SIP investment in this fund would be around 19%.
The fund has been ranked No. 3 by CRISIL in its recent mutual fund ranking for the quarter ending Mar 31, 2016. It is also a 3 Star rated fund by Valueresearch
The Birla Sun Life Equity fund is a diversified equity fund launched in August 1998. This fund from the Birla Sun Life stable has an AUM base of nearly र 2,399 Crores (As on April 30, 2016). The chart below shows the SIP returns of the Birla Sun Life Equity fund, Growth option, over the last 15 years.
If you had started a monthly SIP of र 3000 only in the Birla Sun Life Equity fund back in June 2001, by now you would have accumulated a corpus of over र 29.12 Lakhs, with an investment of only र 5.40 Lacs.
You would have accumulated corpus of र 5.65 Lakhs by the end of 2005, a corpus of र 12.88 Lakhs by the end of 2009 despite the severe financial crisis of 2008, a corpus of र 17.21 Lakhs by the end of 2013 and finally र 29.12 Lacs at the end of the SIP tenure. Over the 15 year period the compounded annual returns on your SIP investment in this fund would be 20%.
The fund has been ranked No. 2 by CRISIL in its recent mutual fund ranking for the quarter ending Mar 31, 2016 up one place from the ranking for the quarter ending December 31, 2015. It is also a 4 Star rated fund by Valueresearch
The Franklin India Prima Plus fund is a diversified equity fund launched in September 1994. This fund from Franklin Templeton stable has an AUM base of nearly र 7,425 Crores (As on April 30, 2016). The chart below shows the SIP returns of the Franklin India Prima Plus fund, Growth option, over the last 15 years.
If you had started a monthly SIP of र 3000 only in the Franklin India Prima Plus Fund back in June 2001, by now you would have accumulated a corpus of nearly र 31.36 Lakhs, with an investment of only र 5.40 Lakhs.
You would have accumulated corpus of र 4.75 Lakhs by the end of 2005, a corpus of र 11.57 Lakhs by the end of 2009 despite the severe financial crisis of 2008, a corpus of र 18.21 Lakhs by the end of 2013 and finally र 31.36 Lacs at the end of the SIP tenure. Over the 15 year period the compounded annual returns on your SIP investment in this fund would be 21%.
The fund has been ranked No. 2 by CRISIL in its recent mutual fund ranking for the quarter ending Mar 31, 2016. It is also a 5 Star rated fund by Valueresearch
The HDFC Capital Builder Fund is a diversified equity fund launched in February 1994. This fund from India’s second largest AMC has an AUM base of nearly र 1,157 Crores (As on 30 April, 2016). The chart below shows the SIP returns of the HDFC Capital Builder fund, Growth option, over the last 15 years.
If you had started a monthly SIP of र 3000 only in the HDFC Capital Builder Fund back in June 2001, by now you would have accumulated a corpus of nearly र 28.82 Lacs, with an investment of only र 5.40 Lacs.
You would have accumulated corpus of र 5.53 Lakhs by the end of 2005, a corpus of र 11.69 Lakhs by the end of 2009 despite the severe financial crisis of 2008, a corpus of र 18.27 Lakhs by the end of 2013 and finally र 28.82 Lacs at the end of the SIP tenure. Over the 15 year period the compounded annual returns on your SIP investment in this fund would be over 20%.
The fund has been ranked No. 3 by CRISIL in its recent mutual fund ranking for the quarter ending Mar 31, 2016. It is also a 3 Star rated fund by Valueresearch.
The DSP BlackRock Opportunities Fund is a diversified equity fund launched in May 2000. This fund has an AUM base of nearly र 846 Crores (As on 30 April, 2016). The chart below shows the SIP returns of the DSP BlackRock Opportunities Fund, over the last 15 years
If you had started a monthly SIP of र 3000 only in the DSP BlackRock Opportunities Fund back in June 2001, by now you would have accumulated a corpus of nearly र 28.17 Lakhs, with an investment of only र 5.40 Lakhs.
You would have accumulated corpus of र 5.49 Lakhs by the end of 2005, a corpus of र 12.27 Lakhs by the end of 2009 despite the severe financial crisis of 2008, a corpus of र 17.86 Lakhs by the end of 2013 and finally र 28.17 Lacs at the end of the SIP tenure. Over the 15 year period the compounded annual returns on your SIP investment in this fund would be around 20%.
The fund has been ranked No. 3 by CRISIL in its recent mutual fund ranking for the quarter ending Mar 31, 2016. It is also a 3 Star rated fund by Valueresearch
You may like to read – Consistently Top Quartile SIP Returns in the last 3 to 5 years
The Reliance Vision Fund is a diversified equity fund launched in May 2000. This marquee fund has an AUM base of nearly र 3075 Crores (As on 30 April, 2016). The chart below shows the SIP returns of the Reliance Vision Fund Growth Option, over the last 15 years
If you had started a monthly SIP of र 3000 in Reliance Vision Fund in June 2001, by now you would have accumulated a corpus of nearly र 27.15 Lakhs with an investment of only र 5.40 Lakhs.
You would have accumulated corpus of र 6.37 Lakhs by the end of 2005, a corpus of र 14.23 Lakhs by the end of 2009 despite the severe financial crisis of 2008, a corpus of र 17.09 Lakhs by the end of 2013 and finally र 27.15 Lacs at the end of the SIP tenure. Over the 15 year period the compounded annual returns on your SIP investment in this fund would be around 20%.
Although it is a Valueresearch 2 Star rated fund, its ranking has been upgraded to No. 3 by CRISIL in its recent mutual fund ranking for the quarter ending Mar 31, 2016.
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The Tata Equity Opportunities Fund is a diversified equity fund launched in March 1993. This fund has an AUM base of nearly र 1151 Crores (As on 30 April, 2016). The chart below shows the SIP returns of the Tata Equity Opportunities Fund Growth Option, over the last 15 years
If you had started a monthly SIP of र 3000 only in the Tata Equity Opportunities Fund back in March 1993, by now you would have accumulated a corpus of nearly र 26.72 Lakhs with an investment of only र 5.40 Lakhs.
You would have accumulated corpus of र 5.58 Lakhs by the end of 2005, a corpus of र 12.07 Lakhs by the end of 2009 despite the severe financial crisis of 2008, a corpus of र 16.95 Lakhs by the end of 2013 and finally र 26.72 Lacs at the end of the SIP tenure. Over the 15 year period the compounded annual returns on your SIP investment in this fund would be around 20%.
Although it has been ranked No. 3 by CRISIL in its recent mutual fund ranking for the quarter ending Mar 31, 2016, Valueresearch has given it a higher rating of 4 Star.
In this article, we have seen how SIPs in large cap and diversified equity funds over the long term have created wealth for the investors. SIPs benefit from the power of compounding, and therefore the earlier we start our SIP, the greater is the potential for wealth creation. However, it is important to select a good fund for our SIPs. Your financial advisers can help you select a good fund that is suitable for your risk profile. As your risk profile changes over time, you should re-balance your portfolio to align with your risk profile. In our next post, we will discuss How SIPs in small and midcap funds have created wealth for the investors in the last 10 years. Stay in touch!
Mutual Fund Investments are subject to market risk, read all scheme related documents carefully.
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