Who is the Santa

Dec 26, 2013 / Priyanka Chakrabarty | 21 Downloaded |  10772 Viewed | | | 3.5 |  15 votes | Rate this Article
Personal Finance article in Advisorkhoj - Who is the Santa

Just got your first salary?! This Christmas season is the ideal opportunity for you to spend it like you wish because you are beyond the limitations of allowances. But then there is so much that you want to do in your life. Buy that dream house and that brilliant looking high performance car and send your parents on a luxury holiday. Are you waiting for a Santa Claus to come and fulfil all your wishes? Because when you barely understood the world Santa Claus always came with a bag of gifts and gave you exactly what you needed. So let us know think! Who is a Santa Claus? It is essentially an individual who fulfils all your wishes. Some of us know with some vague assurance that it could also be our parents, but let us not debate on that! So in your life you have always had a wish fulfilling genie. But then did you remember the time when you left home for college and told your parents, “I want to be responsible for my own actions”? Then who do you think is the Santa Claus now? It is YOU!

You are the wish fulfilling genie of your own life! Only you have the power to change to direct your life if that is what you wish for. But how will all of this happen? Because to fulfil all of this you need money! It is as simple as that! But then you have started earning. With limited salary and unlimited expenses, savings is like a luxurious dream. So the Big question is HOW DO YOU SAVE? I will tell you how! Next time you go out and you see a discount or sale of a mega brand stop and think. Think, “Do I need this or I want this?” If the answer to the NEED is a NO keep walking. Hence, every penny saved is every penny earned. Stash away the money that you saved in a savings accounts or mutual funds. There you go! You just saved! Next time you enter a supermarket and you see mega discounts and lots of freebies. Again stop and think. Do I need the product or the free product? Then walk away! Savings accomplished!

Saving your hard earned money is not as difficult as it looks. It just requires a certain diligence and self control on your part. But then when you decided to be the master of your own life you already had these qualities in you! Right?

So once you start saving little sums of money you will realize that you have built a large corpus. A corpus large enough to start chasing your dreams. A corpus that will provide you security during a financial crisis. Considering the level of investment education in our country, it is not fascinating that some of us are scared of this volatile instrument called the markets. We have heard enough horror stories to allow ourselves to be repulsed by this instrument. Do not venture into unknown realms without expert guidance. But savings is age old mantra and a little research for efficient investment is the new age mantra! See it is that easy to save! Stop. Think. Walk Away. Save the same amount in your desired avenue of saving, be it a piggy bank or mutual fund or maybe an Insurance policy..

Now do you feel like you are the wish full filling genie? You should because you are you own Santa Claus. You have the power to buy ourselves that bag of gifts which you see Santa carrying and you could do so much to make your loved ones happy. You just had the power of wish full filling all along and probably knew the way. But we all need reinforcements. So the next time you hear a knock on your window on Christmas Eve you know it is a knock deep inside you. Because it is time for the Santa in you to wake up and change your life. Merry Christmas!

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