Market capitalization or market cap is defined as the current market price of a stock times the number of shares outstanding. The market cap of a stock is one of the best measures of a publicly traded company’s size. Companies with larger market caps are usually larger in size compared to a company with smaller market cap. The risk / return characteristics of a stock depend on its market cap or size. Larger companies have more stable and mature businesses. They have market leadership and the financial strength to weather economic recessions. Smaller companies on the other hand, have more opportunities to grow their earnings faster than large caps, but are more vulnerable to business cycles. You should understand the risk profile of a stock or mutual fund before investing, so that you can make informed investment decisions.
According to the market regulator, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), stocks can be classified into three market cap segments:-
Multicap is an equity investment strategy, where your investment is spread across different market capitalization segments e.g. large cap, midcap and small caps. A multicap strategy is essentially a diversification strategy within the equity asset class. In mutual funds, we have a specific equity fund category known as multicap funds which follow the multicap investment strategy.
As per SEBI’s mandate, multicap funds are required to invest at least 25% of their assets in large cap stocks, at least 25% in midcap stocks and at least 25% in small cap stocks. This means that at any point of time, multicap funds will have minimum 50% exposure to small and midcap stocks.
Source: National Stock Exchange, Advisorkhoj Research, as on 30th November 2022. Large cap is represented by Nifty 100 TRI, Midcap is represented by Nifty Midcap 150 TRI and Small cap is represented by Nifty Small cap 250 TRI. Disclaimer: Mutual funds are subject to market risks. Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.
Source: National Stock Exchange, Advisorkhoj Research, as on 30th November 2022. Large cap is represented by Nifty 100 TRI and Multicap is represented by Nifty 500 Multicap 50:25:25 TRI. Disclaimer: Mutual funds are subject to market risks. Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. The above chart is purely for investor education purposes and should not be construed as investment recommendations. Different market cap segments have different risk profiles. You should invest according to your risk appetite and consult with your financial advisor if required.
Investors should consult with their mutual fund distributors or financial advisors, if multicap funds are suitable for their long term investment needs.
Mutual Fund Investments are subject to market risk, read all scheme related documents carefully.
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